
Get notifications about comments and actions in WorkSpan on Slack channels.

About Slack

Get updated on partner activities in WorkSpan through Slack

Slack is where work flows. It's where the people you need, the information you share, and the tools you use come together to get things done.

Integrating with Slack enables you and your team to get immediate notifications about tasks, messages, invitations, requests, and opportunities in WorkSpan via Slack channels. This means notifications don’t get buried in email!

For example, you can enable automatic notifications in Slack channels when you are mentioned, tasks are assigned to you, and you receive any membership requests.

WorkSpan connects to the Slack API, and perform actions in Slack and in WorkSpan.

Slack Features

Slack Notifications

Once connected, you can turn on notifications for activities organizations wide, or allow individuals to turn on notifications for themselves.

You can set notifications to appear in an individual’s personal WorkSpan app when:

  • someone creates or shares and opportunity with you on WorkSpan
  • Someone sends a message or add you to a task in WorkSpan
  • Someone send you invitation to join their partner program, partner plan, and opportunity

You can set notifications to appear in public or private Slack channels when Slack notifications are enabled.

Slack screenshots

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